The homeschooling method is a commonly misunderstood phrase. The usual misconception is that it is portrayed as a classroom within the four corners of a home. The classroom environment is mostly erased in homeschooling, because there are many reasons why most parents have resorted to this alternative. The following methods are the most commonly employed learning environments.
The Charlotte Mason method
This method was introduced in the 1800s to the early 1900s. Its core principle is a philosophical belief that every child is a person, and must be educated and respected by the society. It is based on a solid foundation, that education is a life, a discipline, and an atmosphere. As a homeschooler by herself, Charlotte Mason has laid out the foundations for both learning and fun. The primary information sources range from classic literature books, poetry, arts materials, music, and crafts. The learning starts at an early age of a 6 years old child, wherein he/she is asked to narrate the things for the literature they have heard. Until the age of 10 years old, the child is encouraged to write his/own narratives based on the materials he/she has previously encouraged to read. Charlotte Mason had also advocated the learning from interaction with nature, wherein the child is encouraged to write his/her observations based on the subject matter they had previously discussed involving nature. This will develop the child’s personality with emphasis on good behavior and character, and a great respect for nature and his/her environment.
The Unschooling method
According to Sir John Holt, a public educator from Boston, the children are learning at their best when they are free from academic pressures. This is the least structured learning method, and has no concrete block curriculum. The child learns a lot of things on their own. This principle introduces to “unschool” the child. It embodies to erase the signature of the four-wall classroom from the consciousness of the child, and let him/her learn at his/her own pace. This is a complete hands-on learning method for the child as administered by their respective parents. The most important note to emphasize here are the trigger signals from the child to initiate the learning. In this method, the child chooses his/her learning time and interests, and his/her parents just facilitate. The child is not compelled to learn before arbitrary age limits as set by the academic authorities.
The Montessori Method
This child-centered education method was introduced by an Italian educator and physician, Dr. Maria Montessori, in Italy. It was based on findings, and the results of scientific observations of a child from birth to adulthood. For a period of more than 100 years, this learning method has been successful and applied in various cultures worldwide. It has proven that every child has a range of delicate learning periods. In this method, a child learns by repeating an activity until he/she is satisfied. The effectiveness depends on the learning environment as prepared by his/her parents as educators. Both the academic and spiritual development of the child are also included in this method. The learning materials can be as simple as textbooks, and become complex and expensive, as in the case of customized learning toys and tools.
The Eclectic Homeschooling method
This method is a combination of various homeschooling techniques, and involves a ready-made curriculum. The parents usually pick the topics they deemed applicable for their child. It is an improvised homeschooling method to match their child’s interests. It is not just limited to using textbooks and similar teaching aids. This method usually involves outdoor activities such as factory, library, and museum visits, to enhance their learning capabilities. In this method, there is still focus on skills and subjects. Both the child and parents select the learning subjects and skills. They can read together a book of interest, watch videos with informative contents, and stroll together in science gardens, and other friendly community zones to interact and learn.
The above homeschooling methods are just some of the effective and common learning alternatives employed today. It should be noted, however, that whatever the employed method used, the principle is entirely the same. The ultimate freedom, flexibility and a great focus on child’s interests and desires are all that matter. Generally, the methods allow the child to discover his/her interest in exploring and developing his/her education.